Monday, October 24, 2011

summary of 93 to 136
At the end of 1951, the world was already affected by big polio epidemic. NFIP turned to Gey and few other cell culture experts for help to test vaccine. Gey founded that HeLa cells were susceptible to the virus and HeLa cells were what NFIP was looking for. NFIP started to sell HeLa cells to other researchers. By the help of HeLa cells, researchers around the word mad several important scientific advances in quick succession, such as freezing cells, standardization of the field, clone or proving forty-eight chromosomes. HeLa cells also made a contribution to study nuclear or to test cosmetic. As the Microbidigical asociates’ business expanding, HeLa cells were widely used in the lab. But by the mid-fifties, Gey write letters to let them use HeLa cell strictly. Jerome syverton asked Gey for help to write a book about HeLa cells. Gey told him to withhold the patient’s name. They made a deal. The story said her name was Helen.
After Henrietta’s death. Lawarence took care of his brothers and Deborah and he worked two jobs. Ethel and Galen moved into the house. They abused Henrietta’s children and did not give them enough food. In  Lawarence moved into a new house with his girlfriend, brothers and Deborah in 1951. By the help of cootie, the writer had a visit of the house where Henrietta grew up and her tomb.And she also had some word with withe Lacks. They did not like black Lacks.
A person named Chester Southam got a crazy thought that he could inject HeLa cells into human as experiment. HeLa cells were injected into patients without telling the truth, just like Nazis had done to Jewish prisoner. Finally, the suspension to Southam’s and Mandel’s licenses were stayed, leaving them both one-year probation instead.
impression:It is really to crue to use human as experiment. In the story, a doctor injected patients with cancer cells without permision.

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